Re-think, Re-use, Re-duce 2019 – The Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition

Re-think, Re-use, Re-duce

The Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition opens in November and is held in
collaboration with the Danish Architecture Center, DAC, at BLOX on Copenhagen’s
waterfront. This year’s presentation of experimental furniture addresses
what our future homes might look like, and how we can rethink both resources
and conventions.

Re-think, Re-use, Re-duce is thus both the exhibition title and the three conditions
that the exhibitors were asked to integrate into their furniture projects.
Several of the furniture exhibits are made of sustainable materials – from
compressed sawdust with fungal glue to hemp, wicker and eelgrass to industrial
surplus materials – while others offer a more artistic take on global environmental

Claus Mølgaard, chairman of the Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition, says:

‘We are already consuming the earth’s annual resources 1.7 times, and by 2050,
there will be 9.7 billion people on the planet – an increase of 30% compared to
today. We have to do something. This year’s exhibition doesn’t claim to have the
answer, but we think it’s important to join the debate and offer ideas for rethinking,
reusing and minimizing materials, transportation and procedures as part of
a general effort to rethink the way we use and live with furniture.’

Future homes will be smaller and more flexible, and furniture will become increasingly
multi-functional. That trend is reflected in this year’s exhibition architecture,
where DAC’s Golden Gallery is transformed into a multi-level scaffolding
structure. The focus is on the process and the story behind each piece of furniture,
and several of the exhibitors’ ideas will be included in the exhibition as
visual text elements.

‘The exhibition design enacts new ways of building and living in the future, with
urban growth, rising housing prices and shrinking living spaces. The BLOX building,
which houses DAC, is a public building that reflects our time: an urban boxshaped
glass structure with multiple levels that offer varied sight lines into the
building’s interior. I sought to integrate that experience into the exhibition design
with staggered levels and compressed spaces,’ explains the exhibition architect,
Jacob Manz, who set up the exhibition in collaboration with the scaffolding firm
LAYHER in order to minimize material waste, as scaffolding is inherently designed
to be reused over and over.

DAC is delighted to be able to offer its Danish and international audience this
opportunity to experience outstanding experimental and sustainable design.

‘We are extremely proud to host the Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition at DAC’s
Golden Gallery. The exhibition is perfectly aligned with this year’s theme at the
gallery and the issue that is of most vital concern to DAC, namely sustainability.
DAC’s visitors can look forward to an amazing glimpse of the future of furniture
design and a look at how we might furnish our homes in a world facing global
climate challenges – without compromising on our world-renowned tradition for
exceptional craftsmanship and design,’ says Kent Martinussen, CEO of DAC.

Re-think, Re-use, Re-duce opens on 7 November in the Golden Gallery at DAC.
We look forward to presenting the 2019 Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition’s
ideas for moving furniture making forward in a world characterized by resource
scarcity and climate challenges.

Exhibition Period:
8 November 2019 – 3 May 2020

Exhibition venue:
Danish Architecture Center, DAC
BLOX, Bryghuspladsen 10
DK – 1473 Copenhagen K