In 1964 the designer Poul M Volther and Erik Jørgensen joined forces in the creation of the “Corona” chair; inspiration to the name came from the shining ring of light when a total solar eclipse occurs.
Their enthusiasm were great as it was obvious to them both that the chair had potential to become an icon.
The four curved elliptical and organic seat/back cushions mounted on a beautifully (hand)crafted frame appears both semi-transparent and complete at the same time.
The comfort of various seating positions stems from the positioning and form of the 4 shells.
Through 50 years the Corona has proven it self and achieved status as a classic icon. To commemorate this we present a collectors edition in an exclusive African wenge and vegetable tanned leather. The Corona limited edition is fitted with a metal plate engraved with the designers name and sequential numbering.
A more exquisite workmanship is hard to come by.
Designed by Poul M. Volther
Møbelarkitekten Poul M. Volther skabte i samarbejde møbelfabrikant Erik Jørgensen i 1964 stolen
“Corona”, opkaldt efter den lysende halo omkring solen under en total solformørkelse.
De tos begejstring var stor, for der var tydeligvis tale om en stol med stjernestatus og klassikerpotentiale. De fire krumme, elliptiske og afrunde sæde- og rygskaller, monteret på et smukt organisk håndbearbejdet træstel fremstår på en gang transparent og helstøbt. Komforten tilføres ekstra dimensioner gennem de mange indskæringer mellem stolens dele, som tilbyder mangfoldige siddestillinger.
Igennem 50 år har Corona vist sin styrke og klassikerstatus. Det markeres nu med en særlig liebhaver- og samlerudgave udført i eksklusivt afrikansk wengé træ og udsøgt vegetabilsk garvet naturlæder. Stolen leveres med en fastmonteret plakette med nummerering og designerens signatur. Corona kan næppe erhverves i en smukkere udførelse.
Poul M. Volther
Poul M. Volther’s style was based on Scandinavian functionalism, which with a modern twist found a middle ground between the Bauhaus style and classic, practical craftsmanship. In doing so, he avoided getting caught up in various short-lived trends, where he instead designed works that could keep people spellbound by their beauty across time trends and tendencies. The Corona chair is a good example of this. The Corona chair is by far Poul M. Volther’s best-known piece of furniture. He is also behind a large number of other well-known Danish furniture classics, including the cane chairs, where you can see that the strictly logical design with great focus on both the sitting experience and the structure of the chair, mixed with a unique modern look and a flair for color and organic thinking.
Poul M. Volther was originally trained as a cabinetmaker. He furthered his education at the School of Artisans, where he taught for many years at what is today Denmark’s Design School. Here he left his mark on hundreds of young furniture architects’ sense of the quality of craftsmanship.
In 1949, he was employed at FDB’s design studio with the help of the well-known Hans Wegner. Here he first worked under Børge Mogensen until 1959, when Mogensen left FDB and Volther became leader. Poul M Volther’s style was simple, functional and beautiful. Which has resulted in a large number of his design classics finding their way into many thousands of Danish homes, where they are still seen today.