Om ni har vägarna förbi Åhus den 11-13 Juli
så skall ni inte missa Blå Stations årliga Sommar-REA på fabriken.
prototyper, utgående modeller och mycket, mycket mer.
Café med hembakade kakor och pajer och gott kaffe, och
gratis glass till alla barn…!
Öppet 8-18 dessa 3 dagar.
If you happen to be in the neighborhood the 11th-13th of July,
don’t miss Blå Stations annual summer sale at the factory in Åhus.
Here you will find exhibition furniture, unique samples, prototypes, outgoing colours,
imperfect furniture…and much, much more.
The café is open with homemade cookies, biscuits,
cakes and coffee… and free ice cream to all kids…!
It can be well worth it to take a wrong turn and end up in Åhus.
Open from 8-18 these three days.

Blå Station AB. Box 1OO.
296 22 Åhus Sweden
Tel: +46 (O)44 3000331.
Fax: +46 (O)44 241214