Alvar Aalto Medal 50th anniversary

Jubilee exhibition
Large exhibition hall 13.9.–c. 25.2.2018

The Alvar Aalto Medal was founded in 1967 in honour of the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. It was designed by Aalto and is awarded to living architects in recognition of outstanding creative achievement in the field of architecture. Over the past five decades, the medal has been awarded to a noteworthy group of architects from around the world.

The Museum of Finnish Architecture will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Alvar Aalto Medal by showcasing every winner of the medal from its founding year to the present day. The award will now be conferred for the thirteenth time in conjunction with a related symposium. Currently awarded every three years, the Alvar Aalto Medal is presented by the Museum of Finnish Architecture, the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA, the Architectural Society, the Alvar Aalto Foundation and the City of Helsinki.



